customize quick support window

teamitepc Posts: 2
edited November 2021 in General questions

I have create a customize quick support window for our users in my company. The issue is that if they test the link to quick support they receive a Sessioncode and no 9 digit ID. We purchaged the licence last week. Does anyone have any information on how to solve this? Thanks,


  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 901 Senior Moderator
    edited November 2021

    Hello @teamitepc

    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the TeamViewer community! I believe I can help clarify this for you 😅

    The custom QuickSupport module has two modes; the standard ID-and-password method that is used with standard TeamViewer connections, and the Session ID method.

    There are a few benefits to the Session ID method:

    • When the user opens your custom QuickSupport, the user's device automatically appears in your Computers & Contacts list
    • Double-clicking the user's device in your Computers & Contacts list sends a prompt to request connection to the remote user. Instead of having to tell you their ID and Password, they only need to click 'Allow'

    Now, are these benefits something your team needs in their workflow? That can only be decided by you and your team! Therefore, if you wish to use the standard ID-and-password method, you can disable this option in the edit window of your custom QuickSupport module.

    The option in the QuickSupport window that switches between these methods is the option to Automatically add users to a group in your Contacts list

    Un-check this option, save the settings, and then close and re-open your QuickSupport. It should now show the standard ID and password options. No new re-download is needed, as any changes to the custom QuickSupport app are reflected when the app is re-opened a new time.

    Hope this helps! 🍀

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • thank you very much, this is exactly what I needed.