Accessing a computer without the password

I am currently abroad, and have my server and my desktop on Teamviewer. I have full access to the server, but I can't access my desktop because I forgot to set a permanent password. Is there a way to access it despite this? Desktop and Server is on the same network.


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Hi @darkertime,

    Thank you for posting and welcome to TeamViewer Community!

    It is a challenge situation for connecting the server at this moment but would still be possibe.

    There are some conditions and requirement to check:

    1. Server ID - there is always a server ID on TeamViewer which you may find on TeamViewer - Help - About TeamViewer, it is different to TeamViewer ID and displayed as Server ID
    2. TeamViewer account - Once you may connection via Server ID, you may complete Easy Access which is for account assignment and grant the easy access via clicks, more information can be found here
    3. Administrator rights on server - TeamViewer will require sufficient permission to make change on the server. Please you ensure to login with the admin account for completing the set up above

    Hope the answer would bring some hints to you!

    Warm regards,


    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Ah, I think I may have been a bit unclear. I have two machines connected to my Teamviewer. One of them, a desktop, which acts as my server, that I have full access to, including the router. And the other desktop that I forgot to set a permanent password / easy access.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Hi @darkertime,

    Apology for my misunderstanding response. I was thinking that your are connecting to a server device.

    If you are wanting to connect to the second desktop, Easy access is recommended to set up with your TeamViewer account.

    1) try to ask someone you trust to check the current ID and random password the you may remote connect to the device

    2) while during connection, you may sign in TeamViewer account and complete the Easy Access on the Remote Control tab

    Full steps including the video are available on this community article, feel free to check it out.

    Let me know if you will encounter any issue with the set up.

    Best regards,


    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Right, so it's as I dreaded, and nothing can really be done. Thanks for the help anyway!

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Unfortunately the set up would need to pre-set prior connections.

    Perhaps you may try out next time.

    Thank you for your kind understanding! And if there is anything we may help further, feel free to drop in :)

    Have a nice day!


    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员