Managed device count is not showing


I am trying to remove managed due to the new update. However, when I go into the managed devices counter is shows up as blank (See below)

I tried a different browser and cleared the cache and cookies and it still shows up as blank, is there a way to fix this issue? It would be nice to know how many devices we got as I need to get rid of them ASAP. Thanks.


  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,585 Moderator

    Hi @jamestang2222

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the TeamViewer community 😊

    Currently, we are facing an issue with the Managed Device counter. Our colleagues are already aware of it and working on high priority to resolve it.

    I am really sorry for the inconveniences caused here and kindly ask you for a bit patience.

    Please let me know if there is anything else, I could assist with.

    Have a great day and all the best,

    Natascha 🙋‍♀️

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community