Teamviewer Crashing Before It Opens. It is A NEW Install on MacBook Pro w/ Mojave

I had to update my previously functioning version of Teamviewer, to the latest (15.22.3). When I try to open, I receive a EULA and DPA agreement first, which I accepted. Then I receive a dialog box that asks if I would like to use, 1) Trial, 2) Free, or 3) Have Subscription. I select '2' and 'continue'.

When I select 'continue', the app crashes, 😳 and asks if I would like to: a) Ignore, b) Report, or c) Re-open. When I choose '3' (Re-Open), the app re-introduces the 'TYPE of USE' selection dialog box, asking if I would like to: 1) Trial, 2) Free, or 3) Have Subscription. I select '2' again, whereupon, it crashes again.

I have 'uninstalled fully, and have done fresh installs three times, downloading the install package from Teamviewer, 3x. On the fourth trial, I 'SAFEBOOTED' my MacBook Pro, and checked the Teamviewer app permissions. In checking app permissions, I discovered that the USERNAME does not appear as an authority. 🤔 I proceeded to add the 'username', and granted 'read' & 'write' privileges. Still NO LUCK. 😫 It crashes in exactly the same way.

Please provide a solution direction for this. I would appreciate it, if you DO NOT ask me to re-install the app as a response and a solution suggestion, 🤧 since we are WELL past that point. There needs to be a 'technical nut' here, that needs to be cracked...

Thanks! Would appreciate all relevant help! 🙏



  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Hello, Benjamin:

    FIRSTLY, thank you, for your reply. I appreciate the promptness with which you have replied. I would like to emphasize the following. I am technically minded, and therefore, I have done EXACTLY the things that you have detailed within the URL that is, " "

    As you will have noted in my previous message, I have UNINSTALLED and RE-INSTALLED Teamviewer 4 times, as of yesterday. Today, I uninstalled my FOURTH install, and decided to install the TEAMVIEWER-MEETING application only. Upon installation, and a launch of the application, my MAC, as expected, tries to verify developer signature(s). The verification process hangs half-way. IT does not complete. So, there is a problem with THAT as well.

    Just the same, I would ask you to RE-THINK your suggestion, and let me know, what ELSE I should try, than to simply UNINSTALL and RE-INSTALL Teamviewer. That ship has sailed....

    I would NOT like to revisit that topic. Please suggest ALTERNATIVES.

    I hope to hear from you. At the moment, for me, Teamviewer is not functional.

    Thanks, Benjamin. Your consideration is much appreciated...


  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Dear Benjamin / Other TV Support Staff...

    To assist you further in the diagnosis, I am enclosing below, a tid-bit from the crash-log. Hopefully, this will prove to be helpful.

    BEGIN ----->

    Process:        TeamViewer [2805]

    Path:         /Applications/

    Identifier:      com.teamviewer.TeamViewer

    Version:        15.24.5 (1)

    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)

    Parent Process:    ??? [1]

    Responsible:      TeamViewer [2805]

    Date/Time:       2021-11-23 12:05:11.868 -0500

    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.14.6 (18G103)

    Report Version:    12

    Anonymous UUID:    C7E782ED-C2C9-F2C6-2EE3-96C236466EA5

    [ ... ]

    Crashed Thread:    0 Dispatch queue:

    Exception Type:    EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL)

    Exception Codes:    0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000

    Exception Note:    EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

    Termination Signal:  Illegal instruction: 4

    Termination Reason:  Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4

    Terminating Process:  exc handler [2805]

    <------- END

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Ok.... More than 7 days have gone by since my last post on this issue. It appears that either none at Teamviewer have an answer, or none are interested in being properly responsive to the question that has been posed.

    IF there is NO technical resolve to this at the moment, please, say so, rather than turning a "DEAF EAR" to a quite obvious problem.

    I would appreciate a response.

    Thank you,


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    HI @Suige

    Thanks for your patience so far. A crash is not always easy to handle and sadly, your case seems not to be fixed by the recent update of 15.24. But we´ll try our best to figure out what to do 🙌

    For this, we got one of our Mac devs @MoreCoffee on board. She likes to see a bit more of your crash logs.

    Could you help us and send the complete crash log? From the lines above she can´t read too much that gives a good indication of what is going on.

    Crash Logs do not include personal information in general. However, please make sure to not post TeamViewer IDs or IP addresses or any other personal information.



    Former Community Manager

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Dear Esther: Thank you for your courtesy, and prompt reply. Naturally, release of new versions are ALWAYS mired in more than the visible complexities. I shall be very happy to assist you and @MoreCoffee with this process.

    Please permit me to have at least 24 hours to post to you, that information I am able to gather, for your study. It may be sooner than that.

    Since the LAST encounter, I had uninstalled Teamviewer. So, I shall re-install, and continue to gather the appropriate information to post back to you.

    I shall be in touch. Many thanks!


  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Dear @Esther: I present my apologies for not getting back sooner. I was under the weather for a few short days. Again, I present my apologies.

    With respect to posting install/run errors. I am happy to post the information that I have back to you. However, I assess that it will be far better, if I am to e.mail the error report to you, instead of posting system concerns here, WITH or WITHOUT IP/User details. I sense that from a SECURITY point of view, posting any such details to this forum, or any such fora, is simply a bad idea; not that email is that much more secure. Still, the information should communicably be available to you, @MoreCoffee and or others, that you designate on your team for evaluation purposes.

    Therefore, if you have a service email address, please share it, and I shall send the error report that I have to you, right away.

    I thank you for your understanding, in advance.


  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Dear @Esther:  First of all, I would like to present to you and @MoreCoffee, my apologies for being late in posting this communication.   I have been under the weather for the last few days.  Again, my apologies. 

    I have downloaded and installed the latest version for Mac. It has crashed yet again, and I have in my possession, an error report.  

    But, upon further assessment, I determine that it will be a bad idea to OPENLY post the details, to this forum, or any other such fora, either with, or without IP/User Details.  

    From a security point of view, it would probably be better, if the details could be sent to a SERVICE address at Teamviewer, which you are able to access. I acknowledge that email is not secure but, the information to be relayed to you, should essentially be seen by Teamviewer support staff only, and not be posted publicly.

    Kindly inform me of a SERVICE address, which you and your staff are able to access, and I shall quickly have the details to you.

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter, in advance.  


  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    @Esther & @MoreCoffee

    Informing you that I have checked to see your reply to my earlier post. I shall continue to wait.

    Thanks, Sui.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍
    edited December 2021

    Hello @Suige,

    Thanks a lot for getting back to us.

    As Esther is currently offline, I will take over from here.

    We are very curious and want to investigate further about this crashing issue you are experiencing...🧐

    Could you please send me via private message your e-mail address?

    After that, I will be able to open a secure communication channel between us. You can then simply reply to my e-mail and attach the error report you have.

    Thanks again for your patience and support! 💪🌻

    All the best,


    FYI: @Esther & @MoreCoffee

    Community Manager

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Hello, @JeanK ....

    Thank you, for your kind response. I have sent you a message, as per your direction....

    All the best!

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Hello @JeanK

    I had sent to you, a message as you directed with my email address. Please inform, if you are in receipt of it.

    I am merely checking back.


    Also to the attention of: @Esther & @MoreCoffee

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Suige,

    I confirm having received your private message.

    We will investigate and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Community Manager

  • Upgraded to latest version

    Error: " Team viewer quit unexpectedly" every time when trying to open app

  • I having the same issue with 15.25.5.

    I had to install 14.7.258980 and now works fine.

    I'm using Mojave. I never had problems with previous versions of 15.xx.

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Thank you, @JeanK for your acknowledgement, and to @Dsoulcontroller and @fbustamante for your comment adds. Much appreciated...

    I would like to report that the latest VERSION of Teamviewer release ALSO FAILED on OS X Mojave. {please see below)

    I think that it is important to note that, if security is a concern, SLIDING BACK to a previous version might not be a good idea. I shall not go into the details of possible security compromises as a result. Given how this is going, depending on how quickly and effectively this problem is addressed, I may have to resort to the use of other/new tools.

    Identifier:      com.teamviewer.TeamViewer

    Version:        15.25.5 (1)

    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)

    Parent Process:    ??? [1]

    Responsible:      TeamViewer [902]

    User ID:        501

    Date/Time:       2022-01-09 09:42:42.626 -0500

    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.14.6 (18G103)

    Best regards

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Dear @JeanK @Esther & @MoreCoffee

    I have NOT HEARD anything from ANY of you regarding the problem of installing NEW versions of TEAMVIEWER on MAC OS X. Have you all just moved on? IS the issue laying somewhere on the FLOOR?

    I am curious if this is still a consideration for you all! It has been over 2 MONTHS now, without so much as a peep from anyone, on this issue...

    If this is the way it is to be, so be it.... If you care, please RESPOND to my my private E.mail. I have PROVIDED the same to @JeanK


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Suige,

    Sorry I haven't updated the thread and provided you with our latest status:

    Our dev team needs logs from multiple impacted users in order to identify the issue.

    The logs you have provided us with are a good start for the investigation, but they're not enough to solve the issue, unfortunately.

    We are still working on gathering more feedback from users and hope that we will soon be able to know the root cause.

    Thank you for your trust and patience, Suige!

    All the best,


    Community Manager

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Hello, @JeanK !

    Thank you, for your kind note. I understand the need for MORE data-points. It would have been nice to hear from someone at Teamviewer meanwhile, before, as to why there was a delay.

    Just the same, I appreciate your kind answer. Thank you!

    I hope that there can be a solution. Even though there have been several updates since the problem began, the problem still persists on this platform and OS, therefore, Teamviewer still remains unusable for me..

    All the best...


  • Hedlung
    Hedlung Posts: 3

    I have had the exact same problem for months as other users here, and it makes me really sad to read that this hasn't been solved yet.

    My solution so far is to Screenshare another Mac with another version of Teamviewer....

    The non-working one is 10.15.7 (Catalina) with a newly updated 15.29.4.

    The working one is 10.13.6 (High Sierra) with 15.2.2756.

    I have tried to downgrade to 14.7 but then I cannot connect to never TV versions, which is unacceptable.

    What to provide (crashlogs etc) and how, to make this work?

  • Molydoly
    Molydoly Posts: 4

    It is the issue which some users are facing this. I just downgrade the Team viewer. After that it is working fine.

  • Hedlung
    Hedlung Posts: 3

    @Molydoly Yes, if the computer is to be managed by another one, downgrading works. But if, like in this case, the computer is the MANAGING one, it is not allowed to connect to later versions of TeamViewer....!! grrr🤬

  • rebeccabut
    rebeccabut Posts: 1
    edited May 2022

    Hey there!

    I realize why further pieces of information are required. In the meantime, it'd have been awesome to hear from someone at Teamviewer concerning why there would be a postponement. Regardless, I read your earlier response. I am hopeful that a solution may be found. Despite multiple upgrades since the bug first appeared, the issue still exists on this webpage and in the operating system.

  • Hedlung
    Hedlung Posts: 3

    So, @JeanK , HOW should we help out with logs so this can be solved? How to retrievecand where to send? It is urgent!

  • Suige
    Suige Posts: 15

    Hello, Everyone....

    Since by asking this question, I started the thread here, and given the persistence of this nagging problem, I thought to REPORT on installing the NEW VERSIONS of Teamviewer on a MBP, now updated from Mojave to Catalina. Teamviewer 15.32.3 was installed, and the SAME problem surfaces, where the APP crashes, and 'informs' that it quit 'unexpectedly'. Upon re-opening the app, it crashes again. 🙃

    Seeing that this problem has PERSISTED for more than 6 months now (this is the month of AUGUST), and no SENSIBLE and REASONABLE solution has been offered, I am faced with the option of having to look elsewhere.

    Just for kicks, if anyone has a workable approach -- OTHER than re-presenting the STANDING lazy and droney suggestion to UNINSTALL and to then REINSTALL the latest version all over again, please reach-back by posting here!

    Let me just say that it is ENTIRELY understandable that BUGS in general, are difficult to trace, pin-down and solve! I know this FIRST hand. But, the passage of time in this case has NOT helped to advance a solution. 🤦‍♂️ So, the TECHNICAL question to pose is: IS ENOUGH COMPETENCE being focused upon this problem internally?? I do not know that this is happening! 😶

    Let me re-iterate! The passage of time has NOT helped this question. And the suggestion to fully "uninstall" and to "reinstall the latest version", is an INSULT to our intelligence. 😑🙄 Furthermore, I cannot understand the absence of a proper technical discussion to solve this persistent problem. WHY have a community, if such discussion cannot be had? 😪

    This issue is more than a little frustrating!! NO DISRESPECT is intended in this communication.

    All the best!

  • JasonWhat3211
    JasonWhat3211 Posts: 1
    edited December 2022

    @Suige Sorry that the TeamViewer staff stinks at helping, but I have your fix:

    System Settings -> General -> Login Items -> Find TeamViewer on the list and switch it ON.

    TeamViewer seems to silently refuse to run unless that's turned on.

    Hope that helps. I found the solution on Reddit after a month or two of have the exact same problem as you. Let me know if it fixed it for you!

    @Hedlung @rebeccabut @JeanK @Esther