Connection issue: enable to connect only via MSTSC

This discussion was created from comments split from: Authentication rejected on remote computer.


  • I am having this issue also. I have TeamViewer on 2 computers and this happens on only 1 of them. Both are running Windows 10 and are the same version of Windows and of TeamViewer. I have found that if I connect using MSTSC then I am able to connect with TeamViewer. The problem this creates is I can only connect via MSTSC from the other computer that I also connect to using TeamViewer. So if something would happen to that computer I'm done as I won't be able to connect to computer #2 because of this issue. Looking at this forum this seems to be a big issue with TeamViewer. It seems to me that TeamViewer should step up to the plate and fix this issue. They offer no support what so ever for paying customers using their product. This is unacceptable! Fisrt chance I get I going to leave this comany for another where their product actually works and they fix their problems themselves not leaving you at the mercy of forums of users. Worthless company. They make tons of money and can't even support there product.

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,343 Moderator
    edited December 2021

    Hi @TTerrible,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the community.

    I discussed your case with my colleagues and your issue does not seem related to the previous post. Therefore, I separated your post from the previous discussion into this one.

    If you provide a screenshot of the error message and setting for connection, we may look into it for you.

    If the relative information is including any personal/ sensitive information, could you please blur it before posting?

    Alternatively, our customer support team is also available via phone or ticket for licensed users. If you call customer support, please kindly prepare your invoice or order number beforehand.

    Thank you in advance for your understandings and patience.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター