Apple Magic Mouse scrolling direction is opposite on Windows PC


I use TeamViewer on a Mac to control a Windows PC.

I am using an Apple Magic Mouse on the Mac (surface of mouse is a touch scroll area that works like a tablet).

The horizontal scrolling direction on the remote PC is *opposite* of what it is on the Mac. How can I change the horizontal scrolling on the remote PC to match the direction on the Mac?

Note that I am *NOT* using the Apple setting for "Scroll Direction: Natural".

Also, the change in horizontal direction just happened recently and I did not make any changes or updates that explicitly changed my mouse settings. I'm wondering if something changed in TeamViewer? I cannot find any exposed settings in TeamViewer to change the horizontal scroll direction...

Thanks for any help.


  • PGrey
    PGrey Posts: 1

    I have a similar issue. I am using an Apple Magic Mouse, I'm controlling a Mac from a Mac, both have natural scrolling turned on. Vertical scrolling is as expected but horizontal scrolling is opposite to the expected behaviour.