One way remote connection issue

Heliox Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited January 2022 in General questions

I have just set up Team viewer on my fathers computer as he isn't very tech minded so i connect to his computer to help him out.

On my computer (Windows 10 Pro) Team viewer has this screen

This allows me to access my fathers computer and let anyone onto mine.

But on my fathers computer (Windows 10s) he gets this

With this it only allows one way connection, it only allows my father to remotly access my computer and not me to his. With this setup how do i access his computer remotely??

Thanks for any help



  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @Heliox,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community! 🥳

    I'd suggest you let your father download and install either the full TeamViewer Client, as it will look like yours, so both of you would be able to connect to others. You'll find a download link here: TeamViewer Full Client

    Or, another option for your father would be to download TeamViewer QuickSupport, as there is no need for an installation but only to run the application. You'll find a download link here: TeamViewer QuickSupport

    Please reach out to us again, if you have any further questions.



    German Community Moderator

  • Heliox
    Heliox Posts: 4 ✭✭

    HI Justin,

    Thanks for the reply. We have one problem in that the laptop that my father has just bought has Windows 10s on it (which i didn't know even existed!) With Windows 10s you can only download from the microsoft apps store and not from the internet. What is showing on his screen is the TeamViewer app from the Microsoft app store.

    Any ideas?


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,119 Moderator

    Hello Steve,

    Thank you for all the information provided! 😃

    Based on what you said, I believe that S mode may be blocking your father from downloading the Full client of TeamViewer.

    You can read more about S-mode here:

    Could you check if S mode is on?

    Let us know if this was the cause of the issue 😊🤞🍀



    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • Heliox
    Heliox Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for the information and the reply it's really useful.

    Can i confirm that the TeamViewer format on my Fathers laptop cannot be changed to work both ways?

    Why i ask is that to swap from Windows 10s to Windows 10 Home/pro is one way and i can't swap back. So i need to see if he would be happy to upgrade to Home/pro.
