Can someone help me get started with the documentation and explain some concepts? I'll try to explain what I'm trying to achieve and then perhaps someone can explain to me what I'm not getting right.
My company manages a lot of different devices. They are essentially raspberry PI's with TeamViewer installed in them. I know their Id's and I would like to know through API if they are online ( can be connected to ) or are offline ( something is wrong potentially - or they are powered down ).
Now questions:
1) Which API endpoint can I use for it (https://dl.teamviewer.com/integrate/TeamViewer_API_Documentation.pdf?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.teamviewer.com%2Fen%2Ffor-developers%2F ) 4.10.1 ? or something else?
2) Which permissions correspond to this endpoint - which ones do I need to turn on in the app settings?
3) Am I even correct in assuming, that there is an API, which takes TeamViewer id and returns its online status? 4.10.1 seems to rely on my own contacts list.
4) If the answer is no to this question, then do I need to create this list of contacts first based on the list of TeamViewer ID's I have?
One more question:
5) How do you test/develop the API locally? Can I use HTTP://localhost:port as a return URL for the service while developing it?