TeamViewer Service created C:\Program file


today Windows gave me warning that there is C:\Program file created and other applications can malfunction.

So I tried to figure out what kind of file is this and it turned out that this is crash dump file. So I renamed it to Program1.dmp and opened it with Visual Studio 2022 to see which process created it. Turns out it was TeamViewer_Service.exe:

Well, it gave me chills because I was thinking that maybe some kind of malware created it. It's not .exe extension, but it still can be an issue: windows - Why can a program named "C:\Program" influence other programs? - Super User and Windows informs you that there is some file which you have not created, and you can't without administrator privileges.

Looking forward for reply.



  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @alvinek

    Thanks for posting!

    This is just to let you know we forwarded your post internally. We´ll get back to you!



    Former Community Manager

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 905 Senior Moderator

    Hello @alvinek

    Thanks for your patience in this matter.

    I can report that this issue was verified, and has already received a resolution, which will come via an update in the next month.

    I would like to let you know that you can directly submit such findings via our Vulnerability Disclosure Program, confidentially and securely. In the future, this is the recommended way to bring such findings to the appropriate team for quick resolution.

    Thanks again!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • We are seeing this now in our environment. Do you have a fix for this.

  • We just started seeing this on our machines with TeamViewer as well this week.

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 26

    At the meta-bug level, this looks like a delimiter bug, i.e. whether or not to enclose parameters containing spaces in quotes or not, including %1 vs. "%1". These are dangerous bugs, and an aspect may be different behaviors of Cms.exe vs. PowerShell, if you are automating these; the latter requires "quotes for parameters" more strictly (and perhaps less ambiguously) than Cmd.exe

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 26

    Typo: "Cms.exe" should read "Cmd.exe". Human-language messages complaining about software bugs typically contain a higher error rate than the code they are criticizing, and this is a good example!

  • We have seen this issue on a couple of machines, one of which was running TeamViewer_Service.exe (I don't have detailed information about the other one). It's a serious problem for us because the presence of this file causes instantiation of a COM component to fail, which in turn prevents our application from starting. Deleting the file allows our app to start. Can I please ask for an update on this issue?

  • We also have a major issue with this file. It makes our services to not function properly as some of those use COM. Are there any plans the issue to be fixed? Any workarounds?