Video window is greyed out

PJakob Posts: 1
edited January 2022 in General questions

Hello guys,

If remote computer share a video you can see a video in a seperate window (lets call it "duplicate window"), but you cannot see the video in a window (lets call this one a "source window") on the remote computer because its grayed out, like here:

Is there a way to see this "source window"?

I would need "source window" to be visable, because I need to guide a person on a remote side through this "source window". But since it is gayed out, I have to screenshot from "duplicate window" and transfere to the remote PC, if I want to point some details out.

This would be very usefull if there was an option on remote computer to disable gayed out "source window".


I am using version 15.25.8
