Connection timeout

Some days I can connect to my (slow) home computer. Other days i get the following repeatedly. Now it could be that my home computer is off line but I think it's just in a deeper sleep. How can i increase the connection timeout setting to give it just another 10 seconds? Thanks.


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,374 Moderator

    Hello @guyinoregon ,

    Welcome to the TeamViewer Community! 🎉

    Thank you for providing the error message. This one can be caused by multiple factors, but it usually means instability in the network of your device or the partner device.

    Most of our users can solve the issue by disabling the IPv6 on both sides of the remote session. Did you tried it already?

    Not too often, but sometimes changing the DNS can also fix this issue if you want to give it a try.

    Let us know it this information could help you, or if you have any further questions. 😁🍀🌷

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator