hi cannot connect from macbook to pc...works perfectly the other way round but when i try to connect from mac to pc it throws a message saying "this partner does not accept incoming connections" ????????? any help appreciated
PERFECT answer! Thanks!
How to you set this setting in the Microsoft Store version of the TV app?I can't find the "advanced" options page, only the "simple" options page :-(
I am using the current version of the MS Store app. - V15.100.209759 CL
@Reyhan wrote: Hi @bud2810Thank you for your post. I guess, this may be caused by the settings on your client side.Could you please check the settings on your pc?Access control should be set to Full Access.I hope this is helpful.Best regards.Reyhan
Hi @bud2810
Thank you for your post. I guess, this may be caused by the settings on your client side.Could you please check the settings on your pc?
Access control should be set to Full Access.
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards.Reyhan
I cannot find this screen anywere in the new product.
Did you ever get a fix? I am having this same problem. Nice teamviewer is not posting an answer.
I'm on version 14 and i'm not seeing any of the screens been shown on here