Hello all, I just read the article on a Team viewer community portal regarding corporate license for company profiles. https://community.teamviewer.com/English/kb/articles/3573-all-about-the-teamviewer-company-profile?fbclid=IwAR3HUKor-MpL7RVdYeC_r-I29C-w--aonz-Dw7moL_gr732hClJu7E7xi-g My company is using your product. No any other apps are installed on my PC, the Team Viewer only, my account will be associated to my company corporate license account, I trust the company, but at the same time my privacy is highly important for me.
My question is:
- is there possible for the company Admin to make an access to my PC bypassing my (users) permission in case I will activate so called "unattended access" on my PC ?!
- Is there even a theoretical chance to anybody to access my PC even I will activate all incoming sessions or decline the sessions at all?!
- Is there possible to anybody from higher level to see my "unattended access password" or reset it and connect to my PC w/o asking permission me for that?!
- What is the meaning under highlighted sentences shown on an attached file from article?! Please do not ignore my question, make some clarifications to me.
Best regards