what's changed in HOST deployment? assigment NOT working anymore


using TeamViewer Host for few years, sucessefuly deploying via GPO, cmd, winrs, psexec till last week or more.

my comandline for install:

msiexec /i "c:\Install-temp\TeamViewer_Host-24xxxx.msi" /qb CUSTOMCONFIGID=24xxxx APITOKEN=123456789-GmodiFiedToken DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=1 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --group-id g1123456 --reassign" /norestart

comandline for reassign:

taskkill /im teamviewer_desktop.exe /f & taskkill /im teamviewer_service.exe /f & taskkill /im teamviewer.exe /f & cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\"&TeamViewer.exe assign --api-token 123456789-GmodiFiedToken --group-id g1123456 --grant-easy-access --reassign

what has been changed?? what to change to get assigment work again?


  • ok,

    after some frustration solution found

    - created new Custom Host module for msi deployment