Permanent status

It would be nice to have a checkbox in general tab, so that the set status is permanent and only changes when you manually click through. (Like: always busy, except when i modify it)


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,763 Moderator

    Hi @andOR,

    Thank you for contacting us in TeamViewer Community!

    TeamViewer does offer the setting of change status. It can be found on TeamViewer client when you have signed in the TeamViewer account. Kindly see the screenshot below:

    Would it be something you are looking for?

    If there is anything we may assist further, feel free to comment below.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • What we really need here is a way to make the status *stick to what it was* after restarting TeamViewer application. Whenever you start TeamViewer, the status defaults to "online". You can set it to "show as offline" or "busy" *only afterwards*. However, everybody who has your account or your computer in their list will already have received a notifictaion that "John Doe has logged in".

    For privacy reasons, I would love being able to prevent other people from keeping track of when I turned on my computer and / or started TeamViewer.

    At the moment, I have two choices: a) Disable TeamViewer automatic startup on login and not use Teamviewer if I don't want other people to know I'm at my computer. b) Allow everyone in my TeamViewer contacts to keep track of each and every login to Teamviewer from my side.

    To me, that's a severe privacy concern. Every other app / service I know which has a status functionality (be it Teams, Zoom etc.) remembers your last status, making it possible to start the respective app / login to the respective service with any given status (e.g. "show as offline").

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 905 Senior Moderator

    Hello @baedamichi

    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the TeamViewer community!

    You can actually set the status of any TeamViewer device to show as offline in the TeamViewer settings; if you navigate to the Advanced settings and scroll to Advanced settings for Computers & Contacts you will find the option to Hide online status for this TeamViewer ID.

    💡Hint: Access the settings by clicking the gear icon in the right-side menu of TeamViewer, and scroll down to advanced.

    This will allow your device to appear offline to all others while still allowing you to accept connections from those who you have requested.

    I hope this helps! If you have any feedback regarding the feature or potential ways to improve it we'd love to hear it! You can start a new post in our Ideas Hub if so!

    Have a great week. 🌴

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • Hello Josh,

    thanks for your suggestion. However, this option does not achieve what I (and presumably OP) really want to achieve.

    The setting applies to the TeamViewer ID of the computer on which TeamViewer is installed. It does not affect the user's status at all:

    Best regards,
