almost all of my managed devices disappeared.

richardp12345 Posts: 2
edited June 2024 in General questions

I had about 15 managed devices and yesterday all but 5 disappeared. is there a way to add these back besides logging back into each device separately? can they be re-added on the backend? I'm a free member...


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hi @richardp12345,

    thank you for reaching out to us in the Community! 🥳

    Have those devices been the devices that you personally logged in to or have they been devices that you had access to via QuickSupport module?

    Please let me know so we can investigate further.



    German Community Moderator

  • Thanks Justin,

    They were all devices that I personally signed into in the beginning and set them up for remote access. Two of them were tablets that had the teamviewer host application running so I can can remote into them on demand. The others were a combination of laptops and desktop computers.

    I noticed there is a log file on my phone's application, would that maybe tell me details as to what happened or does that only record activity conducted on this device by me personally?

  • Tunlaw23
    Tunlaw23 Posts: 1

    It would appear all of mine disappeared— did this ever get resolved? I also noted that devices that were previously trusted required me to re-trust them via the device authorization process.

  • Same here today.

    I do have one remaining host in the "all devices" list, I have a lot of "last connections" but not with the given name but with the Teamviewer-ID

    This is a real problem now, I am around 200 km away from company and I am only once a week in. How am I supposed to do my work now?

  • CAUY
    CAUY Posts: 1

    Same in Latin America, Europe and West Africa (The regions we are operating); devices = 0.

  • I do have more information:

    I had access now to one of the machines. TeamViewer Host was still running and claimed, that this device was managed by our organisation.

  • What the … All machines are there again?????