TeamViewer plan upgrade required

I searched the forum and knowledge hub before posting, but cannot find anything giving me any pointers here...

I have a few computers for family in my FREE TeamViewer account.

Some of them connect without an issue, but a few of them - even after removal and reinstall give me the following prompt. Once connected, they then terminate (as state).

I am not using this for commercial, just family members, and it is nothing but a nuisance.


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,753 Moderator

    Hi @MadBandit,

    Thank you for sharing the issue and screenshot from TeamViewer in TeamViewer Community!

    Coincidentally, the Community also had a similar discussion about standard modules and customised modules yesterday. We found out that free users do have connection limitation on customised modules which is an unfortune for our free users. And it also matches to the message prompt from you on TeamViewer.

    The suggestion from our side is to 1) remove the current customised module on the remote side then 2) download the designate module form TeamViewer Download Page. Please scroll the page to the middle part for QuickSupport and Host download.

    If it is the installed version of customisation like TeamViewer Host on your side, can you please remove all settings during uninstallation before new installation please?

    Hope the information above would be insightful and useful in your case!

    Kindly keep us posted in the thread about your progress please.

    Best of luck and have a nice day!



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • MadBandit
    MadBandit Posts: 2

    Thank you for the response Ying_Q

    I have never installed a customised module for the system, it has only ever been the standard download of HOST or TeamViewer for Windows.

    I can try another uninstall and complete removal or all TeamViewer files before re-installing, but this obviously causes issues on systems I can only access remotely.

    I will keep you posted.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,753 Moderator

    Thank you @MadBandit 👍

    Look forward hearing some positive news from you! 🤞



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员