Create a company profile

I have logged on with credentials, which i had used by purchasing the TeamViewer.
Now, i would like to create a company profile and would like to use the same email address, but it says me that the emails address doesn't belong to company administrator. I have tried to use another email address of my company - same error.

should i delete the current account before creating the company profile? but how can i login without an account?

Best Answer


  • Mitto
    Mitto Posts: 10

    is there anyone alive?

  • Reyhan
    Reyhan Posts: 269 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Mitto

    Thank you for your reply. If you sign in with your credentials and create a company profile (please go to user management and add a company name) you will see, that you are the company administrator. 

    Now you can add more users to this company profile with different premissions.

    We may help you by creating a company profile. Please give us a call.

    Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • Reyhan
    Reyhan Posts: 269 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Mitto

    Great to hear that...for the following steps I recommend you this article :smileyhappy:

    Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.