Wake on LAN cost?


Is Wake on LAN a feature for private user withput anything to pay or do i need to pay for that feature?


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]
    edited May 2022

    Good Morning @KiwiKawaiy,

    Welcome to the TeamViewer Community and happy to answer your first question! 🎉

    Wake-on-LAN (WOL) is free to use for every TeamViewer user. You can find the explanation for it as well as a detailed setup tutorial right below 👇🏻

    Do you want to read our manual regarding Wake-on-LAN (WOL) instead? Visit the PDF directly from here: TeamViewer Wake-on-LAN

    Hope that helped you out! 🙂

    If anything else occurs or if I did miss anything, please let me know.

    Lovely weekend,


    German Community Moderator