Asociaciòn Enfermos Parkinson Castellón

SantiagoOchando Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited April 2023 in Meeting Forum

Good afternoon from Castellón de la Plana on the east coast of Spain.

I am a representative of the Association of Parkinson's Patients of Castellón. It is a non-profit association that helps associated patients to alleviate the possible consequences of this incurable disease. I am in charge of the technical and IT part of the Association, and I have verified that when we make a call for talks or conferences or meetings via online, very few people attend the meeting. And the main cause is the lack of knowledge of the tools that are proposed as a means of contact. Added to the fact that we cannot help ourselves at the moment that doubts about the operation and adjustment of these tools are presented to them.

My question and request for help is:

Can you tell me if the TeamViewer brand has any online meeting tools? Does this tool have the possibility of being support and help for people who need it? What is the cost of this tool?

Bearing in mind that the associates are elderly, is it easy to manage?

I await your responses and guidance on this knowledge project that only aims to help people who struggle daily to integrate into difficult and complicated social barriers.

All the best,

santiago ochando

flat castellon



  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 895 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SantiagoOchando

    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the TeamViewer community!

    TeamViewer does, in fact, have a meeting app! TeamViewer Meeting allows you to host a session, inviting participants to view your screen.

    You can find pricing for TeamViewer Meeting here:

    As noted on the above page, using TeamViewer Meeting with under 5 participants total is also free! If more are needed, you can view the basic packages via the link.

    In regards to ease of use, you can find the instructions to join a meeting here. Please note there are multiple methods (including mobile apps).

    Please note, however, that TeamViewer Meeting is not intended for remote support connections - for that, TeamViewer is the solution!

    I hope this helps! Take care and have a great rest of your week. 🌴

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • SantiagoOchando
    SantiagoOchando Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    Thank you for your reply and for your advice. I am currently in contact with a TeamViewer salesperson for the best solution for my need. -Thank you.