I've found numerous posts about the issue. Causes seem to include multiple NICs, cloning/imaging improperly, etc.
I've had numerous Windows 10 computers change their ID's on me which obviously breaks their entries in my address book.
While I hope TV replies to this post, I also had a thought...
Could some of this be related to Microsoft's WiFi "Random hardware addresses"? Numerous WiFi client providers these days (Microsoft, Apple, etc) will randomly change the MAC address (or have the option to), especially over WiFi, for privacy reasons. Even before this, some NICs would allow you to change the MAC address in the device's properties (not that my users are doing this)...
This is great in principle, however, numerous other pieces of software rely on the MAC address NOT changing to identify uniqueness. Back in the day (and perhaps even still), if you were to generate a GUID on your computer, the hardware-etched NIC MAC address was part of the GUID, guaranteeing the GUID would be a "Globally Unique" ID... With random MAC addresses, it now seems that MAC addresses can't be relied on anymore to be immutable.
I love TV, but it is truly disheartening to need to remote into an employees computer, only to see the device greyed out (offline) in my TV address book, and after talking to non-technical users (who are online), at length, about how to open the TV icon from the system tray to tell me the current "Your ID," it's deflating.
Additionally, if the ID does change, for some reason the ID cannot be updated in the TV address book (at least in the client UI), so I need to create a whole new address book entry for the new ID. When this happens, I also need to provide the password. In my experience, the unattended password in TV has never changed, but if I don't record it when I first deploy TV unattended then I can't create a new address book entry with the correct password without additional user intervention.
At the very least, the ID in the TV client address book must be able to be changed.