Keine Verbindung möglich/No connection possible
As my customer had some problems with his internet connection, I had to try to connect several times. Now I get "Sie haben zu oft Verbindungen auf- und wieder abgebaut. Bitte warten Sie etwas vor der nächsten Verbindung". In english something like "You have connected to often. You have to wait before you can try again".
This is very annoying. I think it is up to me how often I have to connect to my customer. Additionally: how long do I have to wait?
tx for support.
Bernd Maierhofer
Hello @TigerLilly,
Great to see you posting for the first time! 🚀
You ran in the so-called Brute-Force Protection.
Once the block period has ended, you'll be able to connect again.
The block period should be indicated in the error message when connecting.
Let me know if this was what you were looking for. 🙂
Community Manager
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Hi + tx for your answer.
I do understand, that this is a security feature. However, this occured after - maybe - three or four retries. When I have to support customers not speaking german (in my case), it often is difficult to get the passwords right. Even if they try to spell it char by char. :- (
So maybe some kind of captcha would be better before blocking occurs.
I am unsure now, but I think, the block period was not shown, but maybe I am wrong. I´ll take some screenshots the next time.
tx for understanding.
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I think this is a great idea! I'll pass the info to our security team so they can consider this idea suggestion for future updates.
Thanks again and I hope to see you around soon.
Community Manager