Hello everyone,
I have been using teamviewer for a very long time now and this in private use (therefore not commercial). Until 2 days ago around 6:00 pm, I could take my pc without any problem under control. All of a sudden, it was no longer possible for me to do so.
I thought it was a problem with my PC, so I restarted it. But unfortunately the problem persists. I said to myself that it was a breakdown I then tried to connect me to another pc and that worked.
So: I can take under control but can't be taken under control anymore. When I try to connect to my pc, my TeamViewer window stays blocked/stuck with "incoming connection".
I tried to uninstall the application and delete all the residues in the registry, but nothing helps... the problem persists.Â
do you have an idea ?
thank you in advance for your help !
Best regards,