[SOLVED] deploy TV Host MSI + Update old TV Host

CrL_HY Posts: 2
edited November 2022 in General questions

after a company wide CI/UI change we would like to deploy our new coustom TV Host to all our clients. sofar no big problem as long as the client doesent have an older TV Host installed

deployment stops TV Service and starts msi

/qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxyyxzz APITOKEN=00000xxxxx00000xxxx000 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --group-id gxxxxxx"

now older clients have older TV Host installed so the deployment stops with error code 1603

any ideas on how we can get all clients the new TV Host? without unistalling every singel Host on every single client?


Best Answer

  • CrL_HY
    CrL_HY Posts: 2
    Answer ✓

    ok i solved my own problem now ;)

    our deployment job now stops TV Service uninstalls old TV quick and dirty via PS

    $AllApps  = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"$TeamViewer =

    $AllApps | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -Like "TeamViewer*"}

    Start-Process -FilePath ($TeamViewer.UninstallString) -ArgumentList "/S" -WindowStyle Hidden

    and then deploys the new TV Host via MSI

    /qn SETTINGSFILE="xx.tvopt" CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxyyxzz APITOKEN=00000xxxxx00000xxxx000 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --group-id gxxxxxx"

    works like a charm 😁


  • CrL_HY
    CrL_HY Posts: 2
    Answer ✓

    ok i solved my own problem now ;)

    our deployment job now stops TV Service uninstalls old TV quick and dirty via PS

    $AllApps  = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"$TeamViewer =

    $AllApps | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -Like "TeamViewer*"}

    Start-Process -FilePath ($TeamViewer.UninstallString) -ArgumentList "/S" -WindowStyle Hidden

    and then deploys the new TV Host via MSI

    /qn SETTINGSFILE="xx.tvopt" CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxyyxzz APITOKEN=00000xxxxx00000xxxx000 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --group-id gxxxxxx"

    works like a charm 😁