Group assignment via Silent Install

RB5 Posts: 5
edited December 2022 in General questions

Hello together,

I want to assign a group via a silent installation.

Unfortunately, I always find the computer under "unknown".

Installation via:

msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_full.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="settings.tvopt" APITOKEN=1234567-abcdefghijklmnopqrst ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %ComputerName% --group-id gxxxxxxxxx --grant-easy-access --reassign"

I got the group-id from the link of the specific group (https. . . login. teamviewer. com/nav/buddies/g/xxxxxxxxx/list)

where is the error?

Thank you for your help.

many greetings



  • TV_Benjamin
    TV_Benjamin Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠
    edited December 2022

    Hey @RB5 ,

    thanks for contacting us :)

    I checked the parameter that is being used for the installation. However, that seems to be ok. some quick questions that might help to figure our what's going on:

    1. Does the device appear in the group if you deleted the entry? (this way I can tell if the assignment worked correctly)
    2. Do you have permission to add devices to the group via the account that holds the APITOKEN?
    3. Did you use the group-id as such "--group-id g123456789" (sometimes the "g" in front of the numbers is forgotten)
    4. Does it work with a freshly created module?

    Thanks in advance and happy holidays

    Festive greetings


  • RB5
    RB5 Posts: 5

    Hey Benjamin,

    thank you for your answer.

    To your questions:

    1. Wich entry chould i delete?
    2. the permission is ok.
    3. the group-id beginns is with "g".
    4. do you meen an freshly created new group

    Festive greetings


  • TV_Benjamin
    TV_Benjamin Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠

    Hey @RB5 ,

    thank you for the swift reply :)

    with 1) I meant the device in the computers & contacts list. 4) With this I meant a freshly created custom module via design & deploy.

    Best regards


  • RB5
    RB5 Posts: 5

    Hey Benjamin,

    I deleted the device from the computer and contact list. After that it appears again in the group "Unknown".

    Unfortunately, it didn't work with a new module either. In this case, it also appears under "unknown".

    Best regards


  • RB5
    RB5 Posts: 5

    Hey Benjamin,

    i don'n know why, but now it works.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas


  • TV_Benjamin
    TV_Benjamin Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠

    Hey Ralf :) Thanks for the reply.

    Maybe it was just a problem within the network. I'm glad it works now.

    I wish you great holidays and a happy new year o/

    Cheers, Benjamin.