Teamviewer very slow to load Computers and Contacts

This has been a problem for a few weeks now - when launching Teamviewer, the Computers & Contacts screen takes up to several minutes to load. This used to load within a few seconds - what has changed, and how can this be fixed?


  • Just bumping this one; I'm also still experiencing this issue. Have reinstalled the client from scratch. Currently running v15.44.4.

  • No solution yet?

  • I've yet to see a solution; the workaround appears to be reverting back to the "old interface". That's worked for me.

  • JoelP
    JoelP Posts: 2

    Bumping this thread. It takes FOREVER (up to 15 minutes) to load in all our devices. Uninstall and reinstall fixes it for a time but it's a little ridiculous that we are still facing this issue after all this time.

  • Looks like there's progress in the latest update:

    Presently it takes just short of 30sec for our list to load.

  • JoelP
    JoelP Posts: 2

    This is still an issue. Takes 10-15 minutes for all our computers to show. Anyone else seeing this?