I cannot activate my account

frank_thynne_0 Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in Licensing

I can log in to the portal and I have an invoice number but it is rejected with an Error message

It begins with RO or R0 -- I'm not sure which


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,221 Senior Moderator

    Hi @frank_thynne_0,

    Thank you for posting in our Community!

    You should have received an activation email that enables you to activate your Remote Access license to your user account.

    You can find more information about the activation process and how to use your license here: 👉 Activate your Remote Access license

    Let us know if you are struggling, we will be happy to assist you further! 🤠

    Have a great day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator