Despite EASY ACCESS, Password Keeps Resetting

Nikibahama Posts: 3
edited March 2023 in General questions

I'm running a free license of Teamviewer to access my computer in the USA while I'm working abroad in Mexico. I setup my Florida PC to allow for easy access with my Mexican PC; however every other day Teamviewer keeps resetting the connection, changing the password, and requiring that I have someone go to my home and send me the new password so I can access my files! It's incredibly frustrating that my "always on remote easy connection" only works for at best 48 hours at a time and I have to keep bothering friends to go to my home and read me my new password. I'm not a commercial user and not going to fork out a month for something I use for only a few minutes a day to keep my two computers synced with the same version of all my updated files. This program shouldn't be resetting my connection at whim either, despite being the free version. Please help me fix this bug so I can work without bothering my friends.


  • Nikibahama
    Nikibahama Posts: 3
    edited March 2023

    I'm running a free license of Teamviewer to access my computer in the USA while I'm working abroad in Mexico. I setup my Florida PC to allow for easy access with my Mexican PC; however every other day Teamviewer keeps resetting the connection, changing the password, and requiring that I have someone go to my home and send me the new password so I can access my files! It's incredibly frustrating that my "always on remote easy connection" only works for at best 48 hours at a time and I have to keep bothering friends to go to my home and read me my new password. I'm not a commercial user and not going to fork out a month for something I use for only a few minutes a day to keep my two computers synced with the same version of all my updated files. This program shouldn't be resetting my connection at whim either, despite being the free version. Please help me fix this bug so I can work without bothering my friends.

  • Nikibahama
    Nikibahama Posts: 3
    edited May 2023

    2 days without a response is a pretty **bleep** resume for a forum...

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,689 Moderator

    Hi @Nikibahama,

    Thank you for posting in the Community and we are sorry for the delayed response.

    I would like to take this opportunity to share 2 different settings of TeamViewer:

    • Easy Access: it allows you to connect to the remote side without inputting any password after the set-up.
      • You will need to complete the setup on the remote device with your TeamViewer account credentials.
    • Random password: TeamViewer always displays the random password for remote connections.
      • You may disable the random password or change the password strength in the TeamViewer options

    Can you kindly check again on the Easy Access set-up and ensure that your TeamViewer account credentials have been set up properly.

    Kindly post here about your progress and hope to see a positive outcome on your side!



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员