Problem with VPN

Lauri_Mativesi Posts: 4
edited March 2023 in General questions

From: Teamviewer corporate (Mativesi Group)

Target: Teamviewer Host (DeFra water)

From some computers i am able to make VPN connection, but others not. (2 computers are not other 2 are able to connect).


Group 1 - Teamviewer Host most up to date and version 15.39.5 I updated the outdate to uptodate.

Group 2 - Teamviewer 15.39.5 - 2 computers

Group 1 can connect with each other and with Group 2.

But Group 2 cannot connect Group 1, but can connect with each other.

From most updated Version 15.39.5 corporate licence i am NOT able to connect.

But version 15.39.5 i am able to connect.

I want to use most updated computer not old warehouse one.

Other facts:

IP get assigned in all cases. Cmd ping fails. Only few cases first ping goes through but then others get timeout and connection not returning. While in second computer all pings go successfully with good TTL and 100% reproduceable.

What is causeing this issue?

Pinging does not help.

Disableing ip6 does not help.

Reinstall driver or teamviewer does not help.

Reinstalling to 32bit Teamviewer version did not help.

Installing older version does not help.

Going through windows functions and makeing them same in both computers did not help.

I looked into log files of both computers and found difference:

2023/03/07 10:34:37.292 5344    6864 S0  SecureNetworkConnection::SendCallbackHandler(): [ remoteID: *id replaced by me* connection: *replaced by me* remoteConnection: *replaced by me* ], Error: SecureNetwork (Connection not found)

2023/03/07 10:34:37.292 5344    6864 S0  RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 103 failed with error SecureNetwork:7, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=0 CT=0

If needed i could add more log entries. Also only in succesful connection :

2023/03/07 10:31:35.787 5380    8444 S0! CStreamManager[11205]::IncomingStreamCommand(): anticipating streamID=6!

Both connections have:

The point where to connection goes has following error:

2023/03/07 13:06:18.609 4544    4636 S0  UDPv6: [4700]: create udp connection was not successful: UdpHolePuncher shutting down: (*)

2023/03/07 13:06:18.609 4544    4308 S0!! EmergingUdpConnection[4700]::AsyncReceiveHandler receive failed e=10009

Ping increases received packets, but return is timeout.

Edit 2:


2023/03/07 13:41:27.428 11364    3112 S0!! DriverConnector.Open: IpRenewAddress(\DEVICE\TCPIP_{4E597910-EEF7-4984-9E1A-EF774CB095DA}) failed with error 2


2023/03/07 12:41:24.761 8008    2224 S0  Initializing transmission control v2

2023/03/07 12:41:24.762 8008    2224 S0  UHP.DNS Resolution failed with system:11004:The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found!

2023/03/07 12:41:24.763 8008    2224 S0  UDPv4: ProcessHandshake: (*)

2023/03/07 12:41:24.764 8008    2224 S0  Initializing transmission control v2

2023/03/07 12:41:24.767 5156    5056 D1  CLoginServer::runServer: ConnectionMode == 6

There is time difference ^^ 1 hour as clocks differ between computers.


  • Lauri_Mativesi
    Lauri_Mativesi Posts: 4
    edited March 2023

    I reduced the number of problematic computers by doing following:

    Networks Sharing Center>>

    1. Turn on network discovery on public and private networks.


    1. IPsec Policy agent

    2. Ike and AuthIP IPsec Keying modules

    Then try to make VPN connection.