Two-way screen sharing

  1. I connect to a remote computer and control it.
  2. While explaning a concept to the remote user, I would like to show him/her how things are setup on my own computer.

So, while remotely controling another computer, can I share my own screen with the remote user?

Best Answer

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,267 Senior Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @cpaquet,

    We're happy to read your first post in our Community!

    During a TeamViewer session, it is possible to switch sides with your partner. This means that when you're controlling the computer of the remote user, you have the possibility to switch sides and show the screen of your own computer.

    This action can be made from the remote session toolbar, as shown below:

    📌 Please note that you can not control the remote side and show your screen at the same time.

    You can then switch back again the sides from the TeamViewer panel in the bottom right corner.

    If you have further questions, let us know 🙂

    Have a great day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,267 Senior Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @cpaquet,

    We're happy to read your first post in our Community!

    During a TeamViewer session, it is possible to switch sides with your partner. This means that when you're controlling the computer of the remote user, you have the possibility to switch sides and show the screen of your own computer.

    This action can be made from the remote session toolbar, as shown below:

    📌 Please note that you can not control the remote side and show your screen at the same time.

    You can then switch back again the sides from the TeamViewer panel in the bottom right corner.

    If you have further questions, let us know 🙂

    Have a great day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator

  • cpaquet
    cpaquet Posts: 2
    edited March 2023

    I believe I would need a paid subs to get access to "Switch Sides with my Partner'". I'm using TeamViwer for personal use, as a volunteer, helping elderlies with computer support, through a non-profit. Can't afford the [removed per Community Guidelines] paid sub. Will reach out to TeamViewer to inquiry about a non-profit license. Thanks Jen.

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,267 Senior Moderator

    Hi @cpaquet,

    TeamViewer supports non-profit organizations and offers them ongoing discounts.

    To know more about it, please check out our dedicated article: 📄 TeamViewer for Non-profit Organizations

    If you have any further questions, we'll be happy to assist you!



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator