ad removal
I use the free version of TeamViewer to help a person who is blind. When starting the program from their computer an ad appears that doesn't seem to be able to be removed from key stroke use. (There is no option to use a mouse as the person is blind.)
Does anyone know of a method of removing that ad permanently OR a keystroke combination that would allow removal?
Here is the 'ad' that comes up. Without key strokes being able to close it, it requires a mouse to choose and close the ad:
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Try Alt-F4. I tried it and it works.
I tried Ctrl-F4 first as that is the key sequence that normally closes a child window. But I guess TV implemented this ad as its own window.
Just don't press Alt-F4 a second time or you will close the TV window too. Or if the ad doesn't come up then the first Alt-F4 will unfortunately close the TV window instead of the ad.
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Unfortunately, my idea above has a problem. One has to first click on the ad for Alt-F4 to close it without closing the main program. If not, the entire program will close.
@Teamviewer, could you make it so Ctrl-F4 will close the ad but not close the program???
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"clicking" is a visual component and very difficult for any blind individual to do.