No partner Id and Password on Ubuntu 20.04 platform after upgrading teamviewer to 15.40.8
Retired BC
You're not alone with this problem. I am running Linux Mint 21.1 which is based on Ubuntu 22.04. I cannot get TV 15.40.8 to run either. I never get the my system ID/Password either. TV doesn't work anymore on my Linux desktop or Linux laptop (used to some weeks ago). When I look at the TV logfile I see Errorcodes 115 and 2. The logfile seems to suggest TV is trying to log into the TV server but never can.
I use TV just to transfer files between my desktop and laptop plus once used it to help out a friend across town by asking him to load TV and letting me get into his Windows machine.
Retired BC---
Try this. Just open TV and leave it open... a long time. I am finally getting a connection to the TV server (and an ID and password and a Ready to Connect message) after waiting more than 20 minutes. See if that's the case for you.
Just verified with a friend that Teamviewer (don't know the TV version) runs just fine on a Windows 10 machine. Looks like this failure to connect to the TV server in a reasonable amount of time seems to be an Ubuntu problem.
Hi, I have a simillar issue on Armbian, Ubuntu version. The architecture is ARM, and I am using TV Host for this version.
I prepared device, with TV host version 15.40.8_arm64, and sent to customer. During tests on my side, it never happened, but customer reported, that he can`t connect. I see that PC on my TV account is active, but there is no chance to connect. I took another PC, and see the same issue.... I am sure, that in my network TV is not blocked, because I am using with other PC`s on Win and there is no problems. Just to be sure I changed between networks, from lan to wifi, still no ID. I shared wifi from my phone, and ID appeared.
What is going on here?
The problem I reported has been disappeared after I downgraded TV to 15.37.3 on Ubuntu.
I'm able to login Ubuntu remotely from PC running TV 15.40.8 (32-bit)
Are you still waiting for the right answer? if you get the answer please share here so other can also get benefit from it..