Cannot connect to any of my PCs since 06 April 2023

I have 10 PCs, Laptops, tablets, etc (all family memebers across three countries). I use the free licence to keep them uptodate and help fix common problems (especially for my 91 year old mother)

Since 06 April 2023 i cannot connect any of them. I get the message "Connection Not Established, Authentication Cancelled"

I also cannot cooect to the machines via Android app either

However, something a connection happens. But only for one machine ad then only 1% of the time.

Any suggestions please?

Thanks in advance


  • grwalker
    grwalker Posts: 4


    Turning off IPv6. did the trick.

    Question is why now?. Been using TV for years with the checked, and now it needs to be unchecked?

  • Tullhead
    Tullhead Posts: 2

    Wow! I had the same problem, and your solution worked for me too! How did you manage to try that? Good job! And what is up with TeamViewer changing stuff underneath us for no apparent reason? argh...