The new UI is horrible...



  • bndt206
    bndt206 Posts: 1

    The new UI is a catastrophy!

  • NatJ
    NatJ Posts: 2
    edited June 2023

    I have just encountered the new UI? I am so confused how to get this to work?

    i have this screen

    i am not sure what to do with this? Typically in the old ui i would go into account assignment but the new UI has non of this? how do i proceed? Do you have to login?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Is there a chance that "prompt for confirmation" will remain for assigned host ?

    Let me check this with our dedicated team. I'll get back to you when I have news to share.

    If you provide attended support and want your users to have time to prepare for the remote session, the best practice here would be to provide support via session link (and using QuickSupport, instead of the Host), as explained here:

    πŸ“„ Provide attended remote support

    It would look this way:

    1. You send the user a session link.
    2. They know you want to connect so that they can close their sensitive data/applications.
    3. They open the session link, download, and open the QuickSupport.
    4. You connect.

    Let me know if this would work for you.


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @NatJ,

    Thank you for your message.

    Indeed, some things changed with the new interface.

    As far as I could understand, you want to install TeamViewer on your remote device and set up unattended access (assign it to your account to connect anytime), correct?

    The best way to do this is to install TeamViewer Host on your remote device and assign it to your account by following the instructions here:

    πŸ“„ Provide unattended remote support

    Let me know if you have any further questions! I'll be happy to assist.


    Community Manager

  • Gregg_Little1
    Gregg_Little1 Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    Before the update, we pushed out a Host for PC's and Laptops via Intune which automatically installed and registered our machines in our TeamViewer console, giving us the ability to support users remotely from day 1.

    Since the update, the host is pushed out and installed but the machines do not appear in our console in any of our Groups.

    We've tried creating a new Host but makes no difference. I can open the installed Host on a new machine, then open the old style console and manually use Add Computer and input the ID, Alias and assign it to a group to register machines but why is this not working automatically any more? Weirdly though, my Android Host is pushed via Intune and it still works fine for my phones.

    Can you please clarify if this functionality has been removed or what we need to do to resolve this issue?

  • BB_RXM
    BB_RXM Posts: 1

    I agree the new UI is exceptionally buggy and pretty much unusable we have issues ranging from:

    1. Failed logins.

    2. Hanging indefinitely after login or a connection.

    3. Connect button not showing for registered β€œbookmarked” stations.

    4. Stored passwords for stations intermittently not working.

    5. Feedback submit button not working.

    6. Frequent application hangs.

    7. Connect button not clickable intermittently when it does display.

    8. Restart button when trying to toggle off the β€œNew Versions” is not clickable

    9.Β Β Β Much slower connecting, slower navigating the interface.

    The issues quickly reached the point we had to globally push the regkey to roll back the UI to the older version (since the slider doesn't work 80% of the time).

    I've included the key below. Users just have to exit teamviewer run add/update the key (just paste the string below into cmd prompt) and restart teamviewer.

    reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer /tΒ REG_DWORD /v UIVersion /d 2 /f

  • andyp85
    andyp85 Posts: 1

    I only use TV for personal use like for helping elderly people who struggle with computers. Having purchased a new system and was asked for help I had to install TV again. What an absolute disaster! TV is terrible! There is no way that I can help these people with the new UI. Fortunately I have found an older version of TV that I have now installed which is so simple! So what on earth has happened to TV??? Did some bright spark think it was ok to change was isn't broke?

  • Jpasalis
    Jpasalis Posts: 3
    edited October 22

    Add me to the list of long time users of Team Viewer (going on 6 years) who finds this new user experience horrible for my customers.

    I don't need Team Viewer to run on startup or have a personal password for every customer but I would like the option to turn those settings on/off. I feel handcuffed wasting both my customer's time and my time.

    It may be time for me to look for a new RMM.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @Gregg_Little1,

    It is still possible with the new interface to push Hosts on your infrastructure.

    Maybe there is something wrong with the script you are using.

    If you are using Intune to deploy software across your devices, I recommend following these instructions:

    πŸ“„ Deploy TeamViewer on Device Groups via Microsoft Endpoint Manager

    If the issue persists, don't hesitate to get in touch with our customer support: Contact Support Support

    Our team will be happy to help!


    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hello @Jpasalis,

    Thank you for your message!

    Setting a personal password on a device is not possible anymore.

    To set up unattended access, we recommend installing the TeamViewer Host on the remote device and following these instructions: Provide unattended remote support. πŸ“Œ Note: The Host always starts with the system and runs in the background, as it was created by design to be always accessible.

    If you don't want TeamViewer to start with the system and don't run in the background, then assisting your customer via session link/QuickSupport is the best option for you. In this case, please follow these instructions: Provide attended remote support.

    If the end-user is running the full client, they can deactivate the Start with Windows parameter in the settings, as shown below:

    Let me know if you have any further questions! I'll be happy to assist.


    Community Manager

  • Scott_SLC
    Scott_SLC Posts: 1

    This has really made it difficult for a one man operation.

    Once you find how to add a device as an unattended device you cannot add it to a Group that was established before and has many devices already in it. The Groups seem to be not a part of the new design but they are still there with previous devices. Still can't figure out how to add a new device to old Group. No options as there used to be in the old UI.

  • LakeShore
    LakeShore Posts: 16
    edited October 22

    I have the same issue and a TeamViewer rep said we didn't need a 64-bit host

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    Hey Jean, how did you manage to open the settings in that gif you linked? Can you start the gif like 40 minutes earlier when you have to create a new account for your grandpa and have to authenticate via his email? And then when he can't figure out what email address he has or what program he uses to access it?

    Maybe you can skip that part to where he's got to call his daughter who lives 3 states away in another timezone because he is unable to create an account using his email address since he has terrible eyesight and can't read the screen half the time.

    And then skip to the part where he never calls you for support again because you "can't even do anything right" and you lose a customer and get badmouthed all over town.

    Can you please explain how this is going to work without saying "use Host for unattended access" because there are a hundred reasons why this may not be feasible.

  • Jpasalis
    Jpasalis Posts: 3
    edited October 22

    It does all seem very convoluted, especially compared to how it's been working for the past 10 years.

    Apparently we're being forced to use 3 separate options now instead of the "one-fix-all" solution we've been used to.

    1 Install the free client for personal use without signing in and either have the customer give you their id and pw or give them a session code (there are no configurable options available).

    2 Install the free client and sign up with an email address and password to have access to options (except unattended access).

    3 Install the TeamViewer Host which has unattended access but no configurable options on the client side.

    I've been thinking about trying different RMM software for a while just because it would be nice to have some more powerful tools to monitor and manage my clients. I'm looking at one that has a ton of features (logging, auditing, and back end management), unlimited agents and mobile support for only $150 a year more. It appears to be time to pull the band aid off and make the switch.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @FakeName,

    As far as I could understand, you simply want to provide remote support to your grandpa.

    If setting up the Host and assigning it to your account is not an option (for various reasons), you can still connect via ID and password to your grandpa's Host.

    Let me know if this would be an option for you.


    Community Manager

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    "Tell me how to do this without using HOST" and you tell me to use HOST.

    I'd very much like to not use multiple products when currently in Teamviewer I just use one product currently.

    What if this hypothetical grandpa would like to connect to a computer out in his barn? Now I've got to install a secondary program and sign him up for an account instead of just saving the ID/Password on a sticky note.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @maisondasilva,

    We could reproduce the behavior and pass this on to the respective team. We are working on resolving this as soon as possible.

    Thank you for reporting this and for your understanding!


    Community Manager

  • jbush
    jbush Posts: 47
    edited October 22

    The view count of this post compared to every post in this entire forum speaks volumes about this "new" software.

    I've sincerely tried to adapt and find some common ground with this new existence. It's just bad and requires more work than necessary. The only real use case is for brand new customers installing Teamviewer in their environment for the first time. I'm sure it would be lovely then.

  • Rick_KF4ZZ
    Rick_KF4ZZ Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    Also, long term user. I now have to travel to two of my remote sites to fix this. Will also be looking into alternatives.πŸ˜’

  • NRR
    NRR Posts: 9

    Seems like it's a fruitless effort to leave comments here - TeamViewer DOES NOT READ THIS AND THEY DON'T CARE. Such a shame...

    I put in a support ticket weeks ago and "ZILTCH"... except for some lame reply about how they know how difficult it is to adapt to change. I can adapt to change; I can't adapt to uselessness!

    Our entire IT team has been running in circles with this new interface. Their "support articles" are garbage.

    This may be their demise. 😱

  • MickaelGr
    MickaelGr Posts: 3
    edited October 22

    I've been using teamviewer for years through several compagnies, but this one I am the guy who decides what I want to use. I truely HATE this new TV SO MUCH that I will probably not renew my premium account and will find an alternative who's more IT friendly instead

    Teamviewers subscriptions after new version

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19
    edited October 22

    You need to create a support ticket telling them you're leaving more than 28 days in advance. I just created mine 5 months in advance. Plenty of notice for them, and I have 5 months to get my new product working to my standards.

  • Reid5055
    Reid5055 Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    the new teamviewer is really bad and my customer is all non I.T based and using free version , the guide to let them join a session is more tedious than i ask them to download other remove support like **Third Party Product** or **Third Party Product**.

  • PaulLaserforce
    PaulLaserforce Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    Except that it is ABUNDANTLY clear from all the messages on this thread that NO-ONE is happy about these changes.

    I tell you now that if these changes aren't reverted we will be joining the list of corporate account holders who will ditch Teamviewer.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    @maisondasilva, you'll find here all the information regarding Easy Access: Remote control via Easy access.


    Community Manager

  • sbabcock
    sbabcock Posts: 2
    edited October 22

    Could not agree more - The new UI has broken almost everything

    Asking users for an ID, not passwor or TV ID showing, no access to "Extras / Settings

    I have been using TV for many years and also have a license for the Asset Management component

    Am looking for a new product to start using in November once my licenses expire

    In the meantime ...

    I've used a registry setting to get the old UI up and going and pushed it out via Group Policy where I could


    Add DWORD : UIVersion

    Set Value to 2

    Close and restart TeamViewer

    Hope this helps someone

  • sbabcock
    sbabcock Posts: 2

    I only support 200 endpoints but the new UI is a mess

    Have already started looking for a replacement product

    at least : reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer /tΒ REG_DWORD /v UIVersion /d 2 /f

    works for now

    This used to be easy for everyone to use - There's duplicates in the console even though the process to remove duplicates has been run / can't edit the properties of the endpoint from a managing PC.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 22

    Hi @memphiz,

    It is now possible to drag & drop a device from one group to another.

    Devices in groups marked in grey cannot be moved to a group marked in green (and vice versa). Only from green to green and grey to grey. (Green groups being the new group system, grey being the old group system.)

    Hope it will improve your user experience!


    Community Manager

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,245 Moderator β˜‘
    edited October 22

    Hi @maisondasilva,

    Thanks for your questions!

    I noticed that the image you post is in Portuguese, so I would like to invite you to post your questions in our Portuguese Support Forum if you prefer to talk in Portuguese. It will be a pleasure to see you there! πŸ˜„

    Regarding your questions: What the feature "Ativar recurso de acesso ΓΊnico" does?

    It's a feature of TeamViewer Classic interface to generate a password that can be used only once. After the remote session ends, the password field will display as a dash. More details you can find in our article: Remote control via One-Time password

    πŸ’‘Hint: You can read the article in Portuguese by switching the language.

    I hope it helps! πŸ€

    Please don't hesitate to post again if you have any further questions. πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • KMGP
    KMGP Posts: 1
    edited October 22

    All of my "easy access" clients now say update required (first picture). How do I update my clients TV when they don't have accounts? this is what their TV looks like now (second picture)