how to assign a device to teamview account in linux command terminal

how to assign a device to teamview account in linux command terminal


  • ndcnc
    ndcnc Posts: 1
    edited October 2023

  • I want to know this as well. I have created the long AssignemntID in our TV console and now I need the command after the installation on Linux how to set this AssignmentID.

    I know it only for "Windows" Here I need to execute it after the installation -->

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id 0001CoABCxxxxxxxxx...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Replace xxxx with your full ID)

  • JoernG
    JoernG Posts: 1


    sudo teamviewer setup

  • Ralf_Wo
    Ralf_Wo Posts: 5
    edited October 2024

    Does —> sudo teamviewer setup give me an option to insert our assignment ID ? (Sorry need to talk to Linux TV experts again. I not have a Linux here, but a colleague now wants the first "TV host on Linux". )Do you have a screenshot or link to an official Linux documentation with an "Assignment ID" ?

    I even not know. Is there a device license needed in this case for Linux to get the managed Linux TV device visible in our Management Console? sure the user have a concurent connection license, the user license and the TV full client device license.