computer name only shows as -PC in Computers and Contacts
Hi, i added a new computer using TeamViewer Host, and named that PC. But in my list it shows only as -PC. the remote computer is now called Something-PC. I have restarted both computers, i cannot make my computer show the correct name. this snip is of the management console. On the actual devices theyt have the correct name. How can i force the names to sync? this has happened before, i think that is the other -PC device shown here
Hi @micl78 ,
Welcome, and thanks for reaching out to our Community!
In a case like this, you need to manually update the Alias of the device. It's not possible at the moment to sync a new device name with your Computer & Contacts list.
On the Management Console, you can change the name of a device by clicking the pencil icon (✏) to Edit ➜ on General you can change the Alias ➜ type the desired name, and click Save.
The change should display automatically, but you may need to refresh the page if needed.
Let us know if it solves the problem, or if you have any further questions. 🍀
Best, Carol
Portuguese Community Moderator