Remote Update Stuck


So, I´ve been searching for a solution but got nowhere.

I´m trying to connect to a Teamviewer installed in a Windows Server 2003, recently the client got updated so, when connecting it shows a small box saying that the host is outdated.

Thing is - it grows the window but never opens the connection it just gets stuck at the

"Initializing Display Parameters" screen and never go on. So I cannot connect and also cannot update the remote computer. 

Does anyone have a tip or a solutions for this? tried using verions 12.0.82216 - 12.0.78716 - and 11. When using v12 it says the remote computer needs to be updated. When using v11 it says I need to update mine.


By looking at it´s logs I´ve found this few lines before it stops:


UDP: create udp connection was not successful: UdpHolePuncher shutting down: (*)
RemoteSession[7]::AddRequestedCarrier(): request carrier UdpToPartner failed!

Is this something I should worry?

Anyone can help?  I need to get to my server, we don´t use RDP and to get there phisically is really not an option.