One time access regardless whitelists
If there is any possibility to add one-time access to 3rd party company if this company is not in white list?
Many companies we work with use teamviewer, sometimes we want to give them one-time access to 1 or more of our devices. so far, each time I created separate policies that had an external company added to the whitelist and assigned this policy to several devices, then when access was not needed, I deleted this policy. And of course created another temporary one when the need arose again.
Is there any strategy to simplify this process? (without disabling whitelist)
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Hi @Kamil24sz,
Thank you for your first post, and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ✨
First, we are really happy to hear that you are using one of our most powerful security features!
Indeed, as you can see, you need to add this external company to the allowlist, in order for them to connect to your devices.
The only process to give them one-time access without disabling the allowlist is to add them to this list, as you are already doing. What you can do, instead of creating separate policies, is to add the external company to your current (and assigned) policy and remove them once they finish their intervention on the said device.
As there is currently no way to simplify this process, we would love to invite you to post a request in our 💡 Ideas Hub. Our teams track the posts and even if we cannot say if and when a feature request will be implemented, this helps us gather the needs of all our users and improve our services.
We are looking forward to reading from you again!
Have a great day,
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