Managed Devices

IT_Engineer88 Posts: 2
edited October 2023 in Deployment & Integrations

I'm currently trialing team viewer Tensor.

My biggest question is why am I having to migrate devices post install of the host installer? I'm currently using intune to deploy the host install and that part seems fine. My devices are showing up offline until I migrate them over. Isn't there a way to do this automatically without having to visit the management console? We're going to have around 2500 devices this will be rolled out too plus newly imaged devices. I don't want to sit in the management console constantly migrating devices.

Here's my command line when pushing through Intune using W32.

msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxx APITOKEN=xxxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %COMPUTERNAME% --grant-easy-access --reassign"

This part I'm confused on:

assignment --id xxxxx

If I run this command on the local device then it migrates over without me having to do it within the management console. How can I add this line into the install and what does that look like? Are there any other options?



  • Also note how this official documentation has errors. They can't seem to decide between "--alias" and "--device-alias", for starters.

  • Kirill
    Kirill Posts: 4 Staff member 🤠
    edited October 2023

    Hi @IT_Engineer88 and @Movement ,

    thanks for reaching out to us in the community. Welcome!

    Currently, there are 2 ways to assign the custom modules:

    First way

    Using CUSTOMCONFIGID and APITOKEN parameters (assignment v1):

    If you want to deploy the Host via msi and parameters, you need to enable the option Allow account assignment to receive the API-token.

    For more information about mass deployment V1 please continue reading here: 📄Mass deployment on Windows - Overview (Legacy)

    💡​​Recommended scripts: Recommended scripts - 3/6 (Legacy)

    Second way

    Using managed group assignment (assignment V2).

    1. Please create the new Host module for that and disable the option "Use Managed Group assignment".

    2. Untick all the boxes as shown below and click Save:

    For more details, read this: 📄Create your module - 3/9

    💡How to create assignment configuration:📄 Create an assignment configuration - 7/9

    📌Note: If the “Use Managed Group Assignment” box is

    • ticked - a pop-up will appear to confirm the account assignment at the end of the installation.
    • unticked - no pop-up will appear to confirm the account assignment at the end of the installation.​

    The example script provided should perform the silent installation with managed group assignment:

    start /wait msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXXXXX
    choice /C X /T 30 /D X > nul
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Teamviewer.exe" assignment --id 0001CoABC*************************************************************************************************6gc= 

    Does this information remove the confusion?
