I am unable to open: web.teamviewer.com

When I try to open the page: web.teamviewer.com, I am asked for my login details, which I fill in (including multi-factor login) and then the URL: https://web.teamviewer.com/authenticate/withtoken?username= tries to open (I have further scrubbed it for security reasons) and nothing happens. Blank page and thats's all.

I've tried it from Windows 11 and Microsoft Edge, the same thing occurs on macOS 14 and Safari.

What to do? I am unable to log into the web console.



  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,218 Moderator

    Hi @MPavlis76 ,

    Welcome, and thanks for reaching out to us for help!

    We're currently not aware of any instability in our web app according to our status page: https://status.teamviewer.com/

    Could you please try to clear the caches and cookies of your browser, restart the browser services, and then try to open the web app page again?

    Let us know how it goes, we're looking forward to your reply. 🙋‍♀️

    Best., Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • Thank you for your response and reply. Personally, I think there is some problem with my account specifically, as it doesn't work on any browser or operating system I try it on. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to contact support and that's why I posted my question here in the forum.

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,218 Moderator

    Hi @MPavlis76 ,

    Thanks for the clarification and further information.

    Our support team is reserved for clients who have a license, you can reach out to them by phone or ticket here.

    If you don't have a license, we would be happy to continue helping you out. 🙋‍♀️

    Have you attempted to log in on the TeamViewer client? Does the issue also happen on the application or only on the web app?

    Let us know how it goes, and if you find a solution with the support team, we would appreciate it if you could share it with us. 🍀

    Have a good one!

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator