Raspberry Pi 4 Debian 12 Bookworm

I have a RPi 4B that previously worked with TeamViewer. I upgraded the Pi to Debian 12 Bookworm and installed TeamViewer. The Pi shows as connected and trusted, but I cannot connect to it from my Linux PCs or using the web-based TeamViewer Management Console. It shows a status of "Connecting" and then simply stops. What can I do to make this work?



  • RomainA
    RomainA Posts: 2
    edited March 2024


    Same issue here whith a fresh install of raspbian (debian 12 bookworm) on a RPi4B.

    I think the issue is link to wayland and sessions. Extract of Tw errors logs:

    (Removed following User Guidelines)

  • Hi,

    A temporary fix is to switch back to X11 :

    sudo raspi-config

    then Advanced Options -> Wayland -> select X11 -> finish -> then reboot.

    Best regards

  • So, anything new here? I just installed and updated to latest and still TV refuses to connect with Wayland.

    Switching to X11 enables connection but with (fixed?) very low resolution and super laggy.

    Any fix for this?