Vpn option

LuigiLAip Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in General questions

I have a problem after install a VPN driver.

after driver will be succefull installed, no have option on controll remote computer for a vpn.



  • I have this problem as well! Has the VPN option been discontinued?

    I must also add, it took me an hour or two and several different third-party tutorials to even find out that a "VPN" option is supposed to show up in the Remote Control tab. I was trying to troubleshoot the network connection. The official documentation doesn't say anything about how to initiate a VPN connection.

    I initially was using the remote connection via NinjaRMM, which doesn't involve using the Remote Control tab at all (or even setting up a Team Viewer account).

    I've successfully added the remote computer to my Remote Control list now, but my only options are "Remote Control" and "File Transfer".