Glitchy echo crashes from the past?
so whenever a moving image or a video starts playing on a remote Pc, i immediately start to get random glitches and flashes from 20+ seconds ago and if you keep the connection open, it will eventually even show you flashes from 25+ minutes ago, while most of the time it just freezes the whole picture with random stuff in many corners and stuff, so you cant even see the Close button etc..
and the only way to get a normal clean picture is to close the connection and then just start a new one...
while this glitchy crash thing will never happen if you dont open any moving images or see embedded videos on a webpage etc - not sure if its an actual .gif file that some pages use as an article header-background, but its not even a video inside another application and it still produces the same exact glitchy crash effect immediately...
does anyone know who can fix this?