Old Version Teamviwer

hi, it's possibile to create a custom teamviewer client for old version of Mac OS?

I'm trying from the management console but it only creates the client for the latest version. Is it possible to customize the client and create versions for older operating systems? Thank you.


  • TeamViewer itself is designed to be backward-compatible, meaning that the latest version should generally work with older versions of the software. While creating a custom client for an older macOS version might not be a straightforward option, using the latest version of TeamViewer on the older macOS could be a viable solution.

  • Nadin_W
    Nadin_W Posts: 958 Moderator
    edited December 2023

    Hello @AntonioNocodeservice and @marshray48,

    We are happy to have you both visiting our Community and welcome @AntonioNocodeservice since it's your first time with us.

    Since we want our users to have the best experience with our latest features, the customized modules are always automatically created in the latest TeamViewer version. 

    Like @marshray48, we also recommend using the newest TeamViewer version on your macOS. Should this not be possible, you can use an old version without customization. You'll find the download for previous versions on our homepage.

    To make sure that your TeamViewer version is compatible with your macOS version, you may want to check the overview in our Knowledge Base article here: 📄 Supported operating systems for TeamViewer Remote

    Let us know which setup you're going to choose or if there are open questions! 

    Have a nice day!


    German Community moderator 🖤 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community