Background management of the remote computer

Iliage Posts: 1

I want to remotely control my desktop computer from my laptop while I am with my laptop away from my desktop computer.

I have an application running on my desktop computer that runs 24 hours a day, and I want to so connect from my laptop to my desktop computer that after entering the password, from the laptop I could so log into my desktop computer, that the application "TeamViewer" would not show any pop-up windows, no dialog boxes. And after the remote session with my desktop computer is completed, when on the laptop I leave the remote control of my desktop computer, I want the app of "TeamViewer" do not show any pop-ups or any dialog boxes. This is because I want to log in and out of the remote management session of my desktop computer. that when you log in and out, your application "TeamViewer" would have no effect on the running application on my remote desktop computer, neither by pop-ups, nor by dialog boxes, and no by other way, and when connecting to a remote computer, the application "TeamViewer" would simply wait in the background for my commands for remote management.

I just want to put one single checkbox in the settings of the application "TeamViewer," and get such kind of access to my remote computer.

I understand that there may be questions about the security of computer use, when the application "TeamViewer" does not manifest itself nohow on a managed computer, therefore, when delivering such the checkbox, the application "TeamViewer" should require an identification procedure, to make sure that both computers are the property of the same person, which wants to remotely control its first computer from its second computer, in doing so, I suggest that with such unnoticed remote control, the "TeamViewer" application would appear in the taskbar with the inscription on a red background: "your computer is remotely controlled from someone else's computer."

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