Filetransfer on Linux Server (Teamviewer configuration with no graphical user interface)
I successfully installed Teamviewer12 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS. Now I want to use the filetransfer functionaly from Windows.
My linux server is in a local network (behind a router) and therefore ssh is not an option and I was looking for teamviewer to work around this. On a windows machine, I can connect to the linux server, log in with an user but 'The file transfer could not be started because it was denied on the remote computer' (this message is shown after I select file transfer).
Is there a configuration file that I have to edit for permissions (similar to the graphical options) for the command line users?
How can I get file transfer from/to a linux server working (server is behind a firewall & router).
Dear Mischa,
I understand that you use TeamViewer in headless mode. Unfortunatly, a filetransfer connection is currently not possible in headless mode. We are thinking about implementing it, when time permits.
The only workaround I currently see is to install a light-weight desktop environment and use that. Also note that the latest TeamViewer Host update supports file transfer (but not in headless mode).
Linux Developer0