Teamviewer-Host Problems on AlmaLinux (CentOS) Systems

Over the past week or so, all of my Almalinux 8.9 systems have been having problems with Teamviewer-Host for Linux.

I've never had any issues until recently. They seem to have started around the release of 15.52.3.

The problems range from failing to authenticate and just simply time out to teamviewerd failing to start on reboot. I also can't seem to get "teamviewer setup" to log in on reinstall on one system that I'm testing. it just times out rather than prompting for my 2-factor code.

I have no issue connecting to any of my Windows systems from either my Linux or Windows machines. This seems to strictly be an issue with the RPM release of Teamviewer-host for Linux.


  • ZLinux
    ZLinux Posts: 6

    Frequently I'm seeing this in cases where teamviewerd fails to start:

    teamviewerd.service: Can't open PID file /var/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory

  • ZLinux
    ZLinux Posts: 6

    I can get it to connect by rolling back to a copy of 15.48.4-0 that I had on my system, and set a password manually through the terminal with "teamviewer passwd" but still can't get it to authenticate for easy access with "teamviewer setup".

  • ZLinux
    ZLinux Posts: 6

    There are some massive problems with Teamviewer-Host for Linux right now. I was able to get it to work on two systems by rolling back to the above version of 15.48.4-0, after clearing all of the settings. Even still I was unable to set easy access through the terminal with "teamviewer setup". It would just time out.

    After setting a password with "teamviewer passwd" I was able to enable easy access through the Teamviewer GUI once I was connected to the system.

    And for the time being I've had to disable the teamviewer repo because updating these systems will break easy access like it did on all of my other existing systems, many of which have been running fine for a year.

  • campbellcole
    campbellcole Posts: 2
    edited April 2024

    I'm having the same issue. Updated TeamViewer Host to 15.52.3 and teamviewerd is failing to start at boot after 9 retries. Each time it core dumps (presumably due a failure to acquire the lockfile). Going to attempt a downgrade and will report here how that goes. Thank you @ZLinux for providing information.

    Edit: I am using the .deb version of TeamViewer Host by the way, not the RPM version.

    Edit 2: Success! Downgrading TeamViewer solved the issue. I didn't need to reset any settings or anything, as soon as the old version was installed the daemon started up automatically and I had unattended access through account assignment instantly.

  • ZLinux
    ZLinux Posts: 6

    Some systems that stopped working are working again with 15.54.3. No idea why it's still not 100% of them. I have one site that was completely down and now 3/4 are authenticating and permitting login even though they were all non-functional a month ago. I still don't think that new releases can be trusted.