Many computer names disappeared after migration.

Hi, I finally decided to migrated all computers and was a very bad decision. After finalized migration at least 10 computers lost alias name and shows TV number. Is there any way to get alias names back ?


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,350 Moderator

    Hi @nestorf ,

    Welcome to our Community and thanks for your question!

    When the devices are migrated they usually carry the name in the device itself instead of the TeamViewer Alias name originally saved in the Computers & Contacts list.

    I would appreciate it if you could provide us with more information:

    • Do the devices have a name besides the TeamViewer Alias?
    • What is the OS you're using?
    • Are the partner devices using TeamViewer Host? What version you're using?
    • If you did a mass deployment, did you use our Alias scrip from the article Deploy TeamViewer (Host or full client) - 9/9 ?

    I'm looking forward to your feedback.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator