Please Restore Reboot Button to Top Tool Bar

racsrv Posts: 1
edited May 1 in Ideas Hub

Hi, The Reboot button has recently been removed from the top tool bar for some reason. I and others use this button many times a day and it is a pain to have to go through the menus to reach it. Please put it back, or or even better, allow users to choose which buttons to display on the top tool bar.


3 votes

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  • Ebecpc
    Ebecpc Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Yeah it's a joke that the most used button, has been replaced with the least used button, as normally you do not use the black screen

    as your showing people how to do something , so why would need it on the toolbar over the most used reboot button

    I've used TeamViewer since 8.5 Beta, never had problems until version 15 onwards,

    Someone please sack the dev team before they totally break TeamViewer

  • douggriffin
    douggriffin Posts: 1

    Why did you remove the button? If you had a meeting and someone suggested, "what would annoy our users the most", this was the winner.

  • Dalgato
    Dalgato Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I think i can top what u just said, the orange box with the exit button is now the most annoying. but yes I used the reboot button too I hope they bring it back.