Android mobile support 'ALLOW' option greyed out
Hi @ManiVohra,
Thank you for posting in our Community! We're happy to welcome you!
As a first step, we would suggest to uninstall and reinstall the TeamViewer QuickSupport app on the remote Android.
Would it be possible for the remote user to do this?
Once the app will be installed again, please try to establish the connection and let us know how it goes!
We will await for your reply.
Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator
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Not sure if that is going to help as there are 2 devices that are experiencing the exact same issue. I think prior to the option of 'A single app' & 'Entire screen' there wasn't this much issue with connecting to an Android device.
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The user I am supporting (my elderly mother, far away) is experiencing this problem.
I have uninstalled Quicksupport and reinstalled it but this does not resolve: "Check" is still greyed out.
Thanks for further suggestions0